My method of using Sacred Geometry (or Mandalas) has evolved over the 40 or so years since it birthed itself back into my conscious awareness. Yes, no one taught me this process, it is prior knowledge gained by my soul over its existence, reappearing into my life at a time when I needed to go deep and get to the origins of the trauma I found myself being confronted with again. To access & release the original soul traumas on the our soul blueprint requires something that can access the other aspects or parts of ourselves that our human self does not have the experience nor expertise to sense, the inner soul knowledge. The human body holds cellular memories which are the most obvious blocks we experience when delving deep to release ourselves, originating from the experiences our ancestors have gone through, many of which are where our fears come from. Sacred Geometry can & does release these human cellular memories as it is the basis of all creation. Once we have begun to discover how affective SG is in this part of the process we can then work on the deeper Soul Blueprint issues. This is when SG comes into its own as we are now trusting the soul actually "knows," which rebirths us into the multidimensional level of remembering what the soul has already experienced but has been inhibited by the memory block that takes place at birth (reincarnation). As an experienced Healer/Primal Therapist of around 50 years I have released and redefined, firstly by healing myself with this process, which I now offer in full confidence of its efficacy & successful ability to complete your soul evolution in preparation for your future, to rebirth yourself with this tried & tested process of creating a mandala for you, or you for your own self, & soul completion of this particular major Soul contract on earth at the moment.