Light Language
Spoken or sung Light language is a language of benevolent love and light and has many different dialects. Some of those dialects are early earth languages, star languages or angelic codes.
Light Language is the galactic language of love and light. For those who hear it (and speak it) It carries codes for frequency healing, activating DNA, and it is used for healing issues, for toning, meditating, and aligning...
If you have ever had light language spoken to you, you will feel the vibrations of this language even if you don't understand what it does. Some say it sounds familiar, from long ago past. Some cry when they hear it. It is not necessary to understand what is being said- only in the intention of the healing or toning with the intent will facilitate the flow of energy to the right place in your energetic structure. Light language is the gift of higher dimensional frequency healing. These words are energy, sound, and vibration. They are gifts from spirit, to spark your dormant 12-strand DNA potential.
The same goes for the written language of light and Light Language in the of form the sacred geometry.. The Language of Light It is already pre-coded into every cell of our body... We all have these light codes in us pre-coded to awakening. These dormant codes are awakened by light filled sacred geometrical shapes, the Language of Light. Sacred geometry is a way of receiving information and energy to accelerate the Ascension Process.
The Language of Light as it flows from "higher" dimensions into our world holds an electromagnetic inscription encoded in the geometric shapes. A direct teaching on your cellular level, heard by your DNA. Sacred geometry, Sun Gazing, Colours, Spoken Light Language, Sung Light Language, are all Light Language.